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Update from Warp 7 Templates to Astroid Templates

Update from Warp 7 Templates to Astroid Templates was created by joomlaplates

Posted 3 years 3 weeks ago #30357
Hallo,For the new Joomla 4, as well as for Joomla 3, we have switched our templates to a more modern framework, including Uikit 3 modules, Bootstrap 4/5 and a German backend. However, the disadvantage is that you cannot simply update our previous Warp7 templates, so you have to reinstall the template and assign the modules ect pp. [hr]
An Update from Warp 7 Templates to Astroid Templates is usually very easy. We recommend this way:
  1. Klonen sie ihr Joomla auf einer lokalen Umgebung oder einer Subdomain. Am einfachsten geht das mit Akeeba Backup

  2. Installieren sie nun das neue Template und das Astroid Plugin, wie hier beschrieben.
  3. Deactivate all extensions that start with Rok, because all Roksprocket modules are not running with Joomla 4 or PHP. Joomla Backend > Extensions > Manage > see image
  4. Now go to the Template Styles and set the new template as the default
  5. Open the template configuration and assign your logo and menu.
  6. After that you just have to create and assign some modules, such as slideshow etc

Last Edit:1 year 4 months ago by joomlaplates


Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by joomlaplates.
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