custom.css has no effect any more

custom.css has no effect any more was created by crimleit

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #35390
On Monday morning, I made some changes to the file media/templates/site/tp_sport/css/custom.css. The result could be seen immediately.

A few minutes later, I changed two more details in this file. From this moment, any changes are without any effect. It seems as if the state was frozen on Monday morning. Styling instructions that were applied before this moment are still being executed, but it seems as if my website does not accept any more instructions that were introduced after that moment. I can upload the file successfully, though. Today, I could even delete the whole file custom.css, but the Front-End does NOT change in any way.

Firefox inspector tells me, that the styling instructions come from the file media/templates/site/tp_sport/css/compiled-f1eb933b42f244c6093d1a6436203651.css. If I delete this file, it keeps reappearing all the time. This file is stronger than custom.css.

I have cleared any conceivable cache at least 100 times (browser cache, template cache, Joomla cache, ...). How can I definitely get rid of the compiled css file mentioned above?

Might there be a connection to an update that I recently installed?

Thank you and kind regards

Template: tp_sport 1.3.18
Joomla 5.2.3

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Replied by Administrator on topic custom.css has no effect any more

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #35393

crimleit wrote: A few minutes later, I changed two more details in this file. From this moment, any changes are without any effect.


Can you restore the backup and check again?

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Replied by WM-Loose on topic custom.css has no effect any more

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #35394
If you delete the custom.css file and the original state is still displayed, it is either due to the Joomla cache or browser cache. It is possible that the browser cache has not really been deleted. Try viewing the page with a different browser or a different device (tablet, smartphone).

CSS codes are better entered directly in the template options and not in the custom.css 
Joomla-Master in

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Replied by joomlaplates on topic custom.css has no effect any more

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #35396
you have an misspelling syntax in you css..

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Replied by crimleit on topic custom.css has no effect any more

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #35401

Administrator wrote: Can you restore the backup and check again?

This happened on Monday morning. Restoring the website today (Thursday) to the state of Monday morning would destroy too much content that has been added since.

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Replied by crimleit on topic custom.css has no effect any more

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #35403

joomlaplates wrote: you have an misspelling syntax in you css..

May I ask for a hint towards the misspelling? By the way: I copied the content of the file custom.css to the template (section «Custom Code» field «Custom CSS») as someone else recommended above. This way it works immediately. So I really do not think that there is a misspelling in the code.

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